Brighton Cemetorians

The Brighton Cemetorians are a not-for-profit community group working actively with
Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust, the administrators of Brighton General Cemetery.

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  • Funeral Procession to mark the 100th Anniversary of the death of Sir Thomas Bent - 17th September 2009
  • Funeral Procession to mark the 100th Anniversary of the death of Sir Thomas Bent - 17th September 2009
  • Firing Party - Joe Dianico, James Battern, Neville Scuttlebury & John Underwood of the Historical Re-enactment Society of Australia at the William Robertson plaque unveiling - 1st April 2007

Rogues & Revolutionaries Walk

Written by admin. Posted in Events

Main Gate is on North Road [near cnr of Hawthorn Rd]

Sunday 16th February 2025 at 2pm – meet near the office

 On this walk that will be of a difference we are visiting some amazing people with Caroline Lynch & Squizzy Taylor telling their stories along with others.

Cost: $15 per person [cash]

 Bookings are essential – ring Lois on 9558 4248 to book

Sister Leah Rosenthal QAIMNSR, MM, ARRC

Written by admin. Posted in Events, General

A plaque unveiling was held for Sister Leah Rosenthal QAIMNSR, MM, ARRC was held on Sunday 16th May 2021, everyone enjoyed a cuppa before we walked to where Leah lies resting.

Our President, Malcolm Gray welcomed everyone. Jane Annois spoke about her Great Great Aunt where we reflected on her bravery and extraordinary work that she did in the first World War and at Vimy House.

Jane together with her sister Kathy and brother Richard unveiled Leah’s plaque.

Leah was born in 1879 to Joseph Rosenthal and his wife Martha née Avinski. She graduated as a nurse at the Alfred Hospital in 1904 and continued  her nursing  career there until 1910 when she & Belle Jobson took over the running of Windarra Private Hospital in Toorak. Leah in her fourth year of active service with the Army at Flanders was awarded the Royal Red Cross Medal. On more than  one occasion she had been recommended for honours by her commanding Officer and matron for heroic conduct at casualty stations under shell fire. Leah was attached to the first casualty station and travelled around France where she saw many atrocities. When Leah returned to Australia she and her friend Belle bought an existing Private Hospital in Queens Road, overlooking Albert Park Lake, which they named Vimy House. And ran for 10 years until her death on 4 October 1930 and was buried with her sister Fanny – Jewish H Graves 86 & 87


  • Brighton General Cemetery
    Cnr. North and Hawthorn Roads


Opening Hours

Grounds 8am-6pm

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